No Matter What, Jesus Loves You

I just want you to know this, no matter what you are going through, no matter what kind of Tuesday afternoon you are having - Jesus loves you abundantly. He loves you just the way you are, with your messy temperament and vocation struggles. He loves you SO much, I don’t think you even realize how much you don’t need to do anything at all to earn His love. You don’t have to try harder and you don’t have to change who you are. He is waiting for you, pursuing you in the depths of your heart. He is SO patient, and wait all day just for you to acknowledge His presence in your life. He is SO merciful, I can’t even begin to describe (nor can us humans really ever understand), how forgiving He is. He will forgive all of your deepest sins in the sacrament of penance and He will give you the grace to continuing living with a desire to rid the sin in your life with peace, love, and faith. Jesus is the best friend you could ever ask for, He is your brother on this journey to the Father, and he will be with you through all of your days, your worries, your happiness, your trails and your successes. He just wants your heart and He wants to use your talents to glorify His kingdom. He choose YOU and he loves YOU. Remember this EVERY day. But how can it be possible? It’s truly a mystery. But try this - write down his unconditional love, and do not be afraid to confess your sins and start anew and receive His mercy! I promise you, your life will continue to change, and I promise you, that no what you, Jesus loves you!

“But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.” Psalm 86:15

In Joy,


Faith, MotherhoodAlex DeRose