NFP Awareness Week

I’ve had an interesting journey with NFP. Through all of my medical training in nursing school & graduate school, unfortunately, very little is taught about the normal biological markers of the female cycle. 

It wasn't until my own engagement that I found the Creighton Model. I remember sitting in that first introductory class next to my fiancé, both of us saving sex for marriage, thinking there’s no way I’ll be discussing cervical mucus and intimate cycle details with him! Thankfully, we pursued, and our commitment to NFP has been incredible. Not always perfect, not always easy, but always worth it. 

From a health perspective, I’ve never had to use chemicals or devices! I’ve learned the current effective research, (no, not the rhythm method!), and the natural women’s health science, NaproTechnology, which works cooperatively with the female body to treat underlying causes to infertility, miscarriage, PMS, cycle irregularities and more.

From a faith perspective, we’ve followed our church’s beautiful teachings on sex and marriage, honoring the unitive and procreative aspects of sexual intimacy.

From a marriage perspective, my husband is 100% my equal partner in our family planning. Through almost a decade of marriage, seasons of avoiding, achieving, graduate school, job changes, travel, pregnancies, post-partum, breastfeeding, hormonal imbalances, irregular cycles – we’ve used NFP. 

Clearly, sexual integrity is under attack in our culture. We have the power as women to help change that. One powerful way by learning and practicing NFP. 

For me, I'm grateful that I saved sex for marriage (tell your friends & kids it’s the cool & healthy thing to do!), to have a supportive husband, (know there are good, Christian men willing to save themselves, uphold the dignity of women, and patiently practice NFP in marriage!) and that as an educated woman I can use science-based, highly-effective, natural, methods for family planning! 

As a Nurse Practitioner, NFP teacher, wife, and mother, I can't recommend it enough. And can’t wait to share more. I posted on this Instagram where you can find me @alexandriaderose & encouraged to share your NFP journey & help spread the word!

If you are new to NFP please do not be afraid to reach out to learn more. There are so many amazing resources out there! The Creighton Model is just ONE of the high effective methods we have today, others include the Marquette Method, Symptom-Thermal Method, and more.

A few websites to check out include: The Monica Ministry, Total Whine, & NaproTechnology.

I believe that a true feminist loves her body and understands her body. She does not have to suppress it, kill it’s offspring, or change its true identify. This is the fruit of learning and practicing NFP!

In Joy,


Check out the Pope Paul VI Institute for life-affirming healthcare!

Check out the Pope Paul VI Institute for life-affirming healthcare!

Alex DeRose