Andrew Turning 1!

My dear Andrew,

Its Sunday morning the week you’ll turn one. I’m waiting for your brothers to get home from their grandparents while your dad was traveling for work this weekend & it was just me and you hanging out for the day. You pulled yourself up on the couch and had the biggest smile at me! I could tell you were so proud! You really have the cutest smile. You spent a lot of time crawling back and forth, you love to go fast and then pivot and turn around again. You love to laugh! Sometimes I’ll catch you dropping things in a bucket and laughing about it, it’s the cutest thing. You love to put your arm out and wave to people, you love to touch their faces. You get so excited to see your brothers!

You’ve really had such a lucky year, your life is so full. We have a quiet moment now, but soon it will be full and loud again. Your brother Dominic loves holding you and playing with you on the couch, your brother Anthony loves just talking to you and making you laugh. I tell Tony that you are his best friend. The other day Tony was pushing you in the baby swing and you were both laughing so hard! Your brother Nicholas loves taking care of you so much too, the other day he rearranged your room so beautifully! And sometimes he’ll find new outfits for you! I remember when he came down one day dressed you in Superman outfit! That was the sweetest. And you did get to be our superbaby for your first Halloween, that was so sweet. Daddy loved being superman with you and it was so cute seeing your little red cape ;) I put the picture of you & Daddy in your costumes right on your windowsill in your room and every day we sit down to nurse I look at it. It was also funny when I gave you the lollypop in the stroller ;) you were only about 10 months and loved it! You pretty much get to eat whatever you want these days ;) you do love sweets already and it’s funny to see you throw the vegetables on the ground searching for the sweets! But you will eat cucumbers and meat, the other day you loved the chili and the chicken. You really just love to sit in the highchair and eat with all of us around the table.

I remember when you started crawling, that was one of the best days! We were all at home and were trying to prop you up on all 4s for a few days and then you would move one little leg, then the other. The next day you moved them together, and I remember your brothers faces, “Andrew is crawling! Mom, look!” They were so proud of you! Then the next day you kept it up and within a week you were so fast going everywhere! You are a joy to us all!

I still can’t believe how well you’re breastfeeding! You probably nurse about 6 times a day still, in the morning around 6am, then once in the morning and for your morning nap, then maybe twice in afternoon and before bed. Now you like to play and grab my necklace and reach for my earrings. You’ve always been an amazing eater and I barely ever got a clogged duct! Fingers crossed, but you are an amazing sleeper! After I nurse you, I just put you in the crib and you usually never cry. You just lay there and go to bed, only a few times have you woken up at night. I still keep your white noise machine on, your daddy says you don’t need it, but I like to have it on ;) Your favorite thing is the reach for the lightswitch before bed. We will sit in the rocking chair and read a few books, you always speed through them ;) and then we will kiss Jesus and the brothers goodnight and then you will point to the light switch and help me turn it off.

I am just so proud of you! This year with you in so many ways has been a blur and so quick. But Im grateful for all pictures and memories to look back on together. I’ve loved watching you with your brothers, and all the ways you’ve made us smile. I’m sorry for rushing with you up the stairs and being distracted and knocking your top little teeth out, the left one looks like it’s coming back down and I’m praying the adult right one grows back in fine. I promise to try to slow down more for you and pay more attention.

You really have always been such a great baby for us, and we pray over you every day. Remember to pray to your patron Saints Andrew and Saint Paul, and always remember to love God and love your neighbor. I was getting a little worried about you not walking on your birthday, but by my fourth baby I know you will walk soon :) I’ll let you be little and explore as long as you can. I was just looking up some Montessori toys for Christmas for you, so you’ll be loving some new things this year :) Our little Andrew, we love you. Thank you for being a gift to our family! We cant wait to celebrate your 1st birthday on Thanksgiving day this year…you will have so many family members around you celebrating! I remember your first Thanksgiving last year, you were just discharged from the hospital and me and you stayed home together and watched My Fair Lady :) That was so fun, those sweet little times just me & you. I ordered a First Year Frame hopefully will fill it with pictures from your first year so we can look through them when we celebrate you. You are a blessed boy, my sweet son. Stay strong in your faith and always give thanks for your life.

Now get your good nap in before the craziness with your brothers starts! It’s going to be a great week celebrating you. We love you, baby, happy almost one!!!

Love, Mom

Alex DeRose