The Best Marriage Advice

Written on Thanksgiving week, November 22, 2021

11 years ago (11/21/10) Nick proposed to me! I didn’t even remember it was our engagement anniversary until he texted me this morning. 11 years later and we’re running between 4 kids, a business, a homeschool, house renovations, and just living the crazy busy stage of life were in. Its crazy that 11 years ago, I think this is exactly what we’d dream of. I think for a few years the hardest part was defining “roles” and figuring ours out…we are still learning together every day, but the best thing is recently I’m getting to a place where I look forward to the kitchen! There is such a rewarding thing about cooking for our family. Sometimes afterward you don’t get immediate satisfaction, but when I realize that I’m doing it for a LONG term thing, I feel so amazing! My goal with feeding my men is to have them feel cared for and loved and to take care of their HEALTH! Anyway…I’m so proud of my husband…owning his own business & providing for us

The best marriage advice I’ve ever received: “Take care of each other.” Wake up, look at your spouse, and think “he is my vocation.” Serve him first, love him by willing his good, and the kids, the house, the jobs, the details, will all work out. Together, you’re the perfect team.

I’m so grateful this week for the man who teaches me this every day. Lord, give me the strength to serve him the way you’re calling me to!

*Ladies, what’s the best marriage advice you’ve received? How are you extra grateful for your husband this week?? What are your Thanksgiving plans together??

Alex DeRose