Pay Attention

If there’s ONE mom lesson I’d want you to remember it’s this: to PAY ATTENTION! What a key to the spiritual life as well? Pay attention to what God is doing in your life? Pay attention to the present moment! Pay attention to the people around you!


In motherhood, this is key. I wish I could go back and tell myself to pay more attention. To either a behavior, a cry, an emotion…anything. Just pay attention. When we pay attention we pick up on things that can draw us closer the the heart of our kids and husband. Remember the Proverb: Be sober and alert! When we fail to pay attention, the devil has more room to creep right in.

This past winter we spent MONTHS going through and unexpected kitchen and bathroom renovation, and not that I’m blaming us, but after we learned it was from a leaking dishwasher I wondered if we could have caught it sooner and prevented it. My husband mentioned the wood looked different, and I just choose to ignore it…so I think of how it could have been different if I paid more attention. I won’t choose to dwell on the past, instead to learn from it! Pay attention to the things around you (get off the phone and make eye contact), and we will not only help to prevent accidents, but to draw closer to those around us and the movements of the Holy Spirit.

What else helps you pay attention?

In Joy,


Alex DeRose