Think in Projects & Lists

How do you get things done? How do you balance homemaking and homeschooling and motherhood? Where do you begin when feeling so overwhelmed?

What helps me the most is applying “the school method of projects and lists,” to motherhood.

  1. Write out the projects you want done. Can be on an index card, categorized into homemaking, house projects, things with each kid etc.

  2. Choose one or two to focus on.

  3. Create a smaller list from that project.

  4. Give a realistic timeline.

This honestly helps me SO much! For example, when I open the door to the basement and get overwhelmed with the amount of things that need organized, or I look at all of my homeschool papers and think how will I ever catch up!? I break it down into projects and lists.

Thinking of “organizing the basement,” or “creating an Easter basket,” as “my project,” changes my mindset to one of taking steps to completion. I might even say my “project,” is teaching the 5 year old to read, or my “project this week,” is potty training the 3 year old etc! For example, right now one of my projects is weaning the 17 month old pictured here ;) before our couples trip in May! (God-willing!) Applying this to motherhood and homemaking gives me ownership and motivation and joy :)

Let me know if you give it a try!

In Joy,


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