Three Daily Questions

I’ve had this saved post for a while and as I reflect back on my life and motherhood, I see how pivotal these questions have been. You know I love journaling ;) and a daily self-examination is also great to add! Sometimes when you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed, it’s helpful to use these questions through prayer and journaling to re-center:

Three Questions to Ask Yourself Everyday:

  1. What do you want?

  2. Where did you find God today?

  3. Did you pray today? (really the MOST important question ever!)

I remember during a meeting with my Spiritual Director he challenged me to ask my spouse the “sacred question,” and then REALLY listen. The sacred question was “how are you?” This applies also to ourselves. To help us understand and process our feelings and emotions.

What other questions would you add!?

In Joy,


Alex DeRose