Self-Care Confession

Self-care confession. Pictured was the last time, and the ONLY time, I wore foundation, cover-up or mascara in 2020! And it was done by an amazing professional @devesthetics!

My skin care routine consists of soap, water, with an occasional egg white & olive oil facial ;)

My sisters & I just didn’t wear makeup growing up, mascara for prom was a hugeee deal.

My make-up purse consists of dollar store lip gloss and a cheap brand of CVS blush.

“Ask me anything” about health, homeschooling, exercising routines, early motherhood or marriage – I’m your girl!

Looking for encouragement with breastfeeding or natural childbirth? Shoot me a DM!

But baking tips? I’d tell you to call my sister or check dear friends. You probably won't see cookie pictures on this feed ;)

Make-up tutorials? Nadda. I’d say follow my friend @nmcaruso & her amazing @beautycounter friends!

She graciously sent me a “pamper package,” – how amazing does that sound right about now!? Swipe to see the goods ;) and even as a makeup amateur, I’m in love and let’s just say I’ll be upgrading my dollar store products.

To anyone similarly new or skeptical of make-up, let’s learn from Nicole,

“Make up is a tool to enhance our God-given features and highlight the beautiful woman that God has created us to be!”

Like learning the purpose behind your wardrobe's a game changer, hello #worthyofwearing and mama’s like @a_mothers_lace @lillian_fallon@meghanashleystyling

The same for makeup. If makeup’s something you’re looking to learn more of, check out @nmcaruso & the consultants I tagged! Pretty sure they’re having an epic sale right now.

If local to me @devesthetics!

Here’s to all of us healthy pampering & sharing our unique feminine genius in 2021!!! Thank you Nicole!

I’m so curious friends! Do you wear makeup? Ever tried beautycounter or what do you use?? What’s your story behind any of it?

In Joy,



Alex DeRose