Rebirth in Motherhood Seasons

Spring 2022

Spring and Easter signify REBIRTH! And this spring, about to enter year 9 of motherhood, I’m noticing a “re-birth” of my motherhood identity, and I’m hoping a few of these lessons will help another mama! In this new stage of motherhood, I’ve been feeling so much peace with my role as a SAHM, so much fulfillment. A few recent scenarios I’d want to remember:

  • Having the opportunity to watch the older two in sports has been incredible to be honest, (for example just today my oldest had a baseball practice, and he confidently went out on the field, and a few of the kids remembered him which was awesome! I remember feeling overwhelmed at sports, and worried when he was 3 that he wouldn’t play with other kids! I wish I could go back and reassure that mama!

  • Yesterday, I had the 4 boys out to a local pizza place and the manager came up to me and said, “I see a lot of kids come in here and I just wanted to tell you how great your boys are. You’re doing a great job! We all need to hear that more often.” In that split moment, I know I had chills! I wish I could go up to every mom I know and tell her the same! Especially with little kids, we’re all really feeling discouraged in our minds and doubting ourselves, when others are mostly just admiring seeing us mom with their kids :)

  • Last week at the gym there was another boy mom (physically so different from me, purple dyed hair and tattoos) but we made eye contact and she came up smiling. We chatted for a while about raising boys and found so much joy and solidarity! She said to my boys, “Do you know your mom is superwoman?” It almost made me cry. We talked about how these boys are lucky to have us and how it takes a special woman to be a boy mama! We talked about the dirty bathrooms and bumps and bruises and just laughed. It was amazing how moms can relate to each other in all different shapes and sizes and backgrounds. There truly is a mama code we should all embrace! That conversation made my day and just showed how unifying motherhood can be.

  • The other day at the library with all of my boys I met a mama with 3 girls. We smiled at each other and chatted briefly about how our lives are so different! I thought for a moment what my life would be like if I had 4 girls instead of 4 boys…and you know what, it made me MORE confident in the life I’m living. Just remember - God choose YOU and YOUR family dynamic for a specific reason :)

  • Last week I had the 4 boys at McDonalds and a mom of 3 teenager boys came right up to me and smiled and reassured, “its so hard in these years and it gets so much better! You’re doing great, hang in there!”

All of these scenarios remind me how AMAZING motherhood is! And how overall supportive moms are other moms. The TRUTH is that being a mother is a GIFT and other moms walking around see and acknowledge that. The ideas from the modern feminism are simply LIES. Looking back, I can see how I allowed those lies to steal a lot of joy out of my early years of motherhood. I know there was definitely a LOT of joy, but also a LOT of striving and unnecessary anger and frustration in motherhood that I wish wouldn’t have been there! There was a lot of competition in my mind over “using my education,” outside the home and doubting my role and identity as “just a mom.” I’ve realized now that those lies really damage a lot of moms views on motherhood. I’d want every mom to know the TRUTH! That her role is SO important and that finding JOY in motherhood IS possible. To know that most moms are truly high-fiving you and wishing you the BEST, and looking on you with compassion and amazement for what you’re doing.

Some of my recent lessons in the seasons and re-birth of motherhood:

  1. Be willing to change. Be open to the promoting of the Holy Spirit in your motherhood. There will be so many seasons of change and things will look different than you imagined, but that is all ok! Be willing to let go, adapt and change. You will be better for leaning into the process. I’ve had to shift gears so many times between my 4 kids so far, and I wish I wouldn’t have put so much pressure on completing or fitting into a certain expectation. Be easy and open to change :)

  2. READ. Read as many motherhood books as you can and get as many views as possible! Right now I’m reading “M is for Mama,” and LOVING it. It’s really calling out “mediocre motherhood,” which I think is also a form of rejecting the overall beauty of motherhood. I have many other booklists on my blog, a favorite is “The Ministry of Motherhood” by Sally Clarkson. Never stop learning new things for your motherhood :)

  3. EnJOY your kids! I notice I am actually “happier” when I give my best to my kids! Laugh with them, have FUN with them. Don’t compare them to each other or to other kids, just love them and embrace each one for who they are! Finding JOY can start with enjoying.

  4. Make your Motherhood Affirmations;

    *I am the heart of the home

    *My job matters!

    *I am irreplaceable in my home!

Know that God will use your children in so many beautiful ways to touch YOUR life and birth not only them, but many other NEW things within you too! You will constantly be renewed, challenged, and re-birthed through your children in a beautiful way. Pay attention to the voices you allow into your motherhood, be ready to call out the lies of the false feminism, and surround yourself with the TRUTH of the beauty in motherhood.

We NEED your joyful motherhood now more than ever. You never know what God will continue to do with your YES to motherhood.

Listen this spring! Pay attention to what God is re-birthing in your motherhood. Its going to be beautiful and redemptive all in His time. Do not doubt what He will do with your yes to motherhood.

I cant wait to see :)

Love, Alex

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