The Heroic Minute! A Mama's Morning Routine

The Heroic Minute!

5 years into mothering and I felt as though I had tried every trick in the book to master this “miraculous morning time.” I did have the advantage of being a “morning person” in my glory single days of high school & college, when daily mass and holy hours were an ease.

Then I had kids. Wonderful, beautiful kids. Who when still under the age of 5 wake up to nursed, fed, dressed and attended to! With the sleep exhaustion and the tension of “I’m not going to work so I don’t have motivation to get ready,” combo, my morning routine became resentful! I “know” I need to pray, workout and shower but I couldn’t figure out how…

One year I remember hearing a friend say “If I don’t exercise before my kids get up, I am just an angry person.” I started to resonate with that, but also remembered how physical fitness can easily become an idol to me as a life-long athlete and I remember still feeling empty if I poured everything into exercise and not prayer.

One year I tried moving the coffee pot to my bedroom. If I could just smell the coffee brewing, I would jump out of bed & be ready to pray! It worked great for a few months, but then I was pregnant and vomiting at the mere thought, let alone smell! of coffee. That tactic died quick.

One year I tried the accountability partner. If I could have another mom in my shoes to encourage me that this is possible! But like most texting relationships, we each got busy with our own families and dropped the priority of texting each other. “The faith in man.”

After reading Man’s Search for Meaning (please read this!!!) and realizing how these victims of horror in concentration camps were able to overcome

I am just another living example of this truth to pass along…motherhood is full of the never ending seasons of grace and learning. What changed for me was finally having that motivation as a mom to jump up out of bed to meet HIM and immediately offer my day to Him! Instead of fixating on the coffee smell, what if I treated the Eucharist as my new coffee? What if I made my desire for HIM?

I had to ask our Lord, really ask Him. I had to beg Him to help me to wake up before my kids for HIM. I’d want to encourage moms you can do this too! You can ASK HIM to give you the energy, courage and grace. Think of all of the moms waking up in the middle of the night, or in the early morning right with you :) Then watch how He takes your desire and miraculously changes.

It all comes down to love, ladies. Yes, it is discipline & intentionality. But refuse to believe you need anything other than a love in our Lord. Exercise, coffee, alarms, accountability partners etc are all wonderful tools, but if we first don’t ASK JESUS to help us with this heroic minute, I doubt we’ll have much success ;)

It’s been years of trying all different things ;) and here’s my IG caption for “Making Your Mama Morning Routine” that’s helped! First, remember this EPIC morning quote by St. JoseMaria Escriva:

”THE HEROIC MINUTE. It is the time fixed for getting up. Without hesitation: a supernatural reflection and..up! The heroic minute: here you have a mortification that strengthens your will and does no harm to your body. If, with God's help, you conquer yourself, you will be well ahead for the rest of the day.”

10 Tips for Mama Morning Routine:

1. Keeping phone out of bedroom, using traditional alarm clock! I usually keep mine in kitchen. If need for emergency or family reasons try putting in bathroom or across the room to lower temptation for checking right away :)

2. Setting up the night before. “The morning starts the night before ;)” Laying out clothes, Bible devotional, journal, put coffee in coffee pot, have water filled etc lowers decision fatigue right away!

3. Knowing other moms are doing it! I remember years ago a mom ahead of me said she woke up at 5am to pray in February. I was really confused. I couldn't imagine where she got the motivation, especially with no where to “clock in,” etc. but she planted the seed & now when it’s dark & come I think of all of those others moms in unity!

4. Using 15 minute shifts ;)

5. Tag teaming kids with husband. He helps me SOO much in mornings!

6. Starting with morning offering/gratitude for the day at your heroic minute! “Good morning Dear God..”

7. Writing out ideal: mine is 530/6am wake up, get water, put on coffee, nurse baby, 15 minute daily Divine Intimacy reading, 15 minute gratitude prayer journal, workout and shower!

8. Starting with water! The nurse in me, remember to drink more water ;)

9. Getting dressed/showering. ;) sounds simple but easy to forget to have FUN with it! now the day can start :)

10. Giving yourself a gentle pass with newborn or sleep regression stages!

I hope this gives encouragement and wisdom to pass along!! Remember, everything gets easier with practice, patience and time! Look at a picture of your beautiful kids to remember WHY you’re working and sacrificing so hard on this ;)

In Joy,


Alex DeRoseComment